========= Changelog ========= 0.2.3 ===== - :bug:`2` Fixed a typo in the call to ``InteractionError``. - Documentation improvments 0.2.2 ===== - :bug:`1` Fixed a bug where setup.py was crashing with an ``ImportError`` when importing the version string from ``netscaler.py`` in the case where suds was not installed. 0.2.1 ===== - Replaced all usage of dictionaries passed by reference in examples with keyword args. 0.2 === - Added setup.py - Added examples - Added is_readonly() method to validate commands. - Added save() shortcut method to self.client.service.savensconfig() - Implemented autosave whenever a command executed ia run() is not read-only (Autosave can be disabled by passing autosave=False) 0.1 === - Initial release